Sunday, June 27, 2010

Freakonomics - William Brown

Wednesday June 09, 2010 BiRG Lab Meeting  - William delivered a great presentation on Wednesday June 9, 2010 in the Social Informatics / BiRG Lab.

Consuming most of the meeting time William lead us through “Freakonmics” a term cast by Economist Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago. William explained that Stephen Dubner did an article on Levitt and his wildly popular views that reveals the incentives of people. Levitt ‘s message declares the, “Exploration of the hidden side of everything.”

Part of William’s presentation focused on Sumo Wrestlers and Chicago Public High School Teachers as they are incentivized to cheat.  Basically it is the numbers, given the opportunity to win/score on their particular task; these groups use the system to their advantage.

William continued with an example of hidden things that tend toward the negative. For example the Klu Klux Klan and Real Estate Agents, both are groups that hide information.

As his presentation took several turns with a variety injections from audience participation, William shared with the gathering about a Southern Kentucky/Northern Tennessee Recreation area known as “Dale Hallow Lake”. As William explained his passion for this resource and how that the powers that be are closing down parts of the area. The group present began to encourage William that through the social media of blogging he could author an awareness that might turn the tide of public opinion, the power of a voice.

We may be hearing from William in the near future concerning his beloved  getaway?


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