Saturday, June 26, 2010

FOAF - Friend Of A Friend By Paul Herd

Wednesday June 16, 2010 BiRG Lab Meeting  - Paul’s opening definition of FOAF was; “…machine readable ontology that describes people and their relationships to other people and things.” Paul continued that the goals of FOAF for data on the web are: organize, fragmentation reduction, SQL-like search ability, decentralized data storage, and centralized services.

Utilizing three web languages; Resource Description Framework (RDF), Dublin Core, and Web Ontology Language (Owl) developers are still below version 1.0, currently at version 0.97. We need to understand first that a  URI : Uniform Resource Identifier is a string of characters used to identify a name or a resource on the Internet. That understood, an RDF triple uses a three piece construct of; subject(s) which is a URI reference or blank node, predicate or property(p) which is another URI reference, and object(o) which is a URI reference, a literal, or blank node. A simple example would be “(s) Ellen (p) likes (o) tennis”

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) consists of 15 metadata elements: Title, Creator, Subject, Description, Publisher, Contributor, Date, Type, Format, Identifier, Source, Language, Relation, Coverage, Rights. Each Dublin Core element is optional and may be repeated. As Paul describes, basically…”15 base text fields through which most resources can be described and cataloged.”

Last we have the Web Ontology Language (Owl) which is a family of representation languages for authoring ontologies endorsed by the W3C.

Paul concluded with, “…The easiest way to ‘get a FOAF file’ now is to have a profile on a social Web site that generates it automatically. OpenID and OAuth have the potential to allow many new ways of publishing and syndicating FOAF data.”


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