Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Socal Media" - Chelsie Phillips

Wednesday May 26, 2010 BiRG Lab Meeting  - Chelsie Phillips opened her presentation on “Social Media” (SM) defining the term as,


“A type of media that is based on conversation and interaction between people online”


An interesting analogy Chelsie used in how social networking sites are structured was  the term “Military Squad Style” referring to how friends and family form a “social squad” or in contrast you also have very large network of people” (in following the analogy; a brigade = 4K-5K, division = 10K-30K). Chelsie added that the “transitivity levels” could differ (…if the relation holds between a first element and a second and between the second element and a third, it holds between the first and third…).


Using terms such as; “information indigestion” (too much information not enough time), “Homophily” (associate with others that resemble themselves), and “productive” (citing the example in the reading of Sally Supermarket) and arguments such as; strengthening relationships with friends or business associates regardless of distance, The Search Engines and SM Battle, “the power of the few to the power of the many” Chelsie builds the case for SM popularity.


Chelsie points out that not only the print media but businesses in general need fight back strategies that will compete with Bloggers, on-line magazines, viral posts/plants, and “free information”.


Chelsie reported that Barack Obama used SM in his presidential election campaign tapping MySpace, LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and offering supporters the web site


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Automated Iridology - A.J. Kramer

Thursday May 20, 2010 BiRG Lab Meeting  - In today's meeting, A. J. Kramer presented "Iridology Automated - An interdisplinary research project to improve the future of medical diagnosis. A. J. won the Best Presentation in the IUS Student Conference.
Iridology has been around for thousands of years. The basic premise of irdology is that areas of the iris correspond to areas of the body, left eye, left side of the body, right eye, right side of the body. Examination of radiating bands extending from the pupil reveal strength/weaknesses in those fibers which are direct indicators of strenght/weakness in corresponding parts of the body.
From the 1950 forward the United States gained a pioneer in the field with Doctor Bernard Jensen who developed one of the most comprehensive iris charts. His charts are still the most accurate to date.
The practice of iridology in China is ubquious. In the United States the practice and science of Iridology has skeptics, but as with anything that is outside the "norm" of expericence there will be those with a conflicting agenda.
We'll hear more from A.J. as he continues his research into the field during his time at IUS.
A new member was inducted into the BiRG Lab today, Steve Smith. Steve is an IUS Informatics Major and we welcome him. Steve has been assigned the responsibility of BiRG Scribe.
After A. J.'s presentation Dr. Ramachandran continued to expound upon the facilities of the BiRG Lab....I think he is still there right now...

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