BiRG Talk Abstract:
Web application development has taken advantage of many technologies throughout the years, but the focus for this presentation is ASP.NET and one of its languages, C#. ASP.NET allows the developers to take advantage of a vast library of pre-written code, procedures, and methods which make the job of programming a rich internet application much easier. Code written in C# under ASP.NET is compatible with Visual Basic as well due to shared libraries. In order to get started, a user will need to acquire Visual Studio 2008 and set it up for C# development. Once this is done they will need to select C# web application under the new project menu, and begin. The page a webserver sees first is the Default.aspx, which acts similar to an index.html file. Starting in ASP.NET 2.0, code –behind files have made it easy to separate C# pages from aspx pages. C# code is found in subfiles of the .aspx page. Setting up a form for an aspx page is easy, dragging and dropping asp elements from the toolbox is a breeze, and increases productivity. Once the form is set up, a button handler must be setup to allow the C# code-behind files to process the form data. Once the form is setup, the user needs to build, debug, set to release, and finally publish the website. The finished files can then be uploaded to the webserver via FTP or FTP over SSL for maximum security.