In today's BiRG lab meeting, Shawn introduced the lab to the newly available machines and computer services.
The four new machines have the following specs:
- Dell XPS 420
- Intel Core2 Quad (Q6600) CPU running @ 2.40 GHz
- 3.00 GB of RAM
- 22" wide screen displays
- Windows XP SP2
Furthermore, the BiRG server, which is maintained by computer services, can now be accessed by every member of the lab using their university-wide computer services credentials. The server can be used to store presentations, documentation and research materials.
Aside from on campus access, BiRG members can use a PPTP VPN client (via Internet Connect on Mac machines or The New Connection wizard from the Network Connections control panel on Windows XP machines) to access the server from off campus. Each BiRGer has her or his own directory on the server.
Remote Desktop (RDP) access is also available (via VPN or on campus). However, only two users can be connected simultaneously. Be sure to logoff (via the Start Menu) of your RDP session when finished such that other users are not locked out.
BiRG Server:
PPTP VPN Server:
By next week, the lab will likely be outfitted with several more amenities.
For next Friday's meeting, John Lannon will be presenting his fall research project. Shawn Haynes will be presenting his work on Bioethics. Both will be using this meeting to prepare for the IUS Undergradute Research Conference, which will be held April 17-18 in The Ogle Center.