Monday, February 18, 2008

Our Very own BiRGer -> Dr.Holly in the News

Check out the link below (Scroll down on the page to read about Dr. Hollingsworth)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Meeting Minutes from 02/15/2008

Feb 15 BiRG Meeting:

* Next week (2/22) tour of Biology facilities (by John Norman), then to Sitar
* Following week (2/29) Tom will present his lab

Prof. Manwani's presentation on Ayurveda Informatics
ayur - life
veda - knowledge
Turmeric can be anti-septic, anti-cancer, anti-arthritis agent

presentation (Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan, University of Pune)
Foundation of modern drugs:
* morphine from poppy
* cocaine from coca
All of these are derived from natural sources

Modern pharmacy industry experiencing innovation deficit
* Pre-clinical and clinical time increasing. Less effective

Ayurveda: discovery engine
* 300 well documented and used medicinal plants, sound philosphical, rational base
* Discovery and development process is reversed : starts with large scale trials (we all eat turmeric)

Ayusoft : Ayurvedic Data warehouse
* Composed of drug Database, disease database, treatment pricinples, diet/lifestyle db
* Language issues. India has 400+ languages. So, texts are scattered and not available in one single language
* Good to know Sankrit

* Classifying human composition, broken down into 15 primary variables. The permutations of these variables makes each person a unique entity

IU News: Science

IU News: Technology