Call for Abstracts to Posters on the Hill 2008:It is increasingly important that the scientific community works to ensure that those in the U.S. Congress who provide funding for science and science education have a clear understanding of the programs they fund and why these programs are important. Undergraduate research must be among those programs that members of Congress understand if it is to continue to be supported.
Nothing more effectively demonstrates the value of undergraduate research than the words and stories of the student participants themselves. In the Spring of 2008, CUR will host its 12th annual undergraduate poster session on Capitol Hill. This event will help members of Congress understand the importance of undergraduate research by talking directly with the students whom these programs impact.
CUR is calling for students to submit an abstract of their research that represents any of CUR's divisions (Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Mathematics/Computer Science, Physics/Astronomy, Psychology, and Social Sciences). We are also accepting abstracts in the Humanities. In honor of International Polar Year, the Council on Undergraduate Research would like to encourage the submission of research abstracts for Posters on the Hill that involve polar research.
Posters on the Hill is tentatively scheduled for April 16, 2008 in Washington, D.C. The deadline for submitting applications is November 15, 2007. More information and the application are available at: